MedGrab App

MedGrab brings portability and accessibility to medical diagnostic tools for medical professionals and the public.

MedGrab brings portability and accessibility to medical diagnostic tools for medical professionals and the public. Utilizing the integration of our hardware HealthKit and Mobile App, we can create a more inclusive, efficient, decentralized mode of healthcare. Our MedGrab mobile app works as a dashboard that provides personal storage for our users past medical records, biomedical sensor data, virtual consultations, and the location of nearby healthcare facilities within just a few taps. Medical professionals would also be able to view detailed medical summaries from our app with the patient’s consent, to better comprehend the patient’s medical history and latest insights. The app data would be retrieved from an easily deployable casing for the 8 biomedical sensors. Equipment such as an in-built motherboard and camera can both process and provide diagnostics remotely and accurately. Users may actively monitor their health, thus increasing the efficiency for healthcare infrastructures to proceed with pre-existing data available on their system and our app. After collecting results from 8 essential biometric parameters in the cloud, our app provides medical reports and summary in our mobile app. The MedGrab mobile app not only brings our customers closer to their own health but also to their medical professionals.


What I took from the training course are the inspiring entrepreneurs that I met, also learning from the experiences, and we had such a great hosts in the wonderful Ohrid.

Fu Xin

Hardware & Software Developer, MedGrab, Singapore