22 experts, proffessionals and WSA jurors from Austria and Macedonia, came to hear and support the ideas of the young mPreneurers in Ohrid from 7-10 November 2022.
They had the chance to guide the mPreneur participants, motivate them, with personal and unselfish work in order to create the best product. The side effect of it, it was they had hard time, when they needed to choose the only three winners. They needed more time than expected. The participants were well devoted to their support and conversations, but the jurors also enjoyed their time with them, reminding themselves, once they were like this.
Their visit lasted for two days. Day one it was for mentoring and guiding them. Day two it was for hearing their presentations out. After a week, the results came and we already have te list of the winners,. Stay tuned to find out who they are, at the event in Gratz.