On 23 of June the Austrian partner ICT4D.at organized the first from the series of mPreneur dissemination events with an aim to promote the project, the activities that were implemented and present the Austrian mobile apps that were selected as National winners within mPreneur competition. The mPreneur dissemination event emphasized the significance of creating a supportive ecosystem for social mobile entrepreneurship and building regenerative communities which is the path to sustainable future.
The event brought together 21 experts, stakeholders, and young entrepreneurs to share insights, showcase achievements, and inspire future endeavors. The mPreneur dissemination event served as a platform for participants to explore the latest trends and developments in the field of social mobile entrepreneurship and to hear about the event that were organized within the project, the National competitions, The Training in Ohrid and Gala event in Graz.
The event also showcased a series of success stories, illustrating how mPreneur has already made a tangible impact on social mobile entrepreneurship through the representatives from Nochba and Drimle Apps. These young entrepreneurs shared their personal journeys, highlighting the innovative solutions they have developed and the positive changes they have brought to their communities. From mobile social app for connecting neighbors (Nochba app) to (Drible app) as aware & responsibledrinking app, the event presented a vivid tapestry of impactful ventures that have harnessed mobile technology for social good. Beyond showcasing success stories and project activities, the event also provided access to valuable resources, programs, funding opportunities, and capacity-building initiatives.

Check out the photos below from this event!